Urban Fiction Novels

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Short and Sweet Series

Short and Sweet - (1)

(Author: L. Triplett)

Short and Sweet

ISBN: 978-1729316238

  Short and Sweet is a collection of poems and essays focused on love. The love essays teach us what to look for in a relationship, and how we can add more to the relationships that we are in. The poems teach us what love should look like.

  Short and sweet! How do that sound, when you say it? Short and sweet is short and sweet. Its good for the soul like a candy double dipped strawberry, thats been marrinating in flavorah longing of want. Short and sweet is straight to the point, with a powerful impact when tasted. Open your mind and heard to vision and hear the love between this binding. Which is sincere and heart poured for life sweetness.

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Short and Sweet

Short and Sweet

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Urban Fiction Novelist: Author L. Triplett