Short and Sweet Series
Short and Sweet - (2)
My Michelle and Obama Love
(Author: L. Triplett)

ISBN: 978-1791682453
The love of Barack and Michelle Obama has inspired the world, and the poems here in this book are destined to make you feel that same kind of love. The poetry within this pages is designed to make you believe in love again. Each poem is short and sweet, although love lasts forever.
Short and sweet is like dimples cheeks. A beautiful smile that holds beauty. This is a second dose of sweetness and tender love, where true love will always last.
Don't over stretch love, when you haven't built a solid foundation for love, Because it will not fulfill the full essence of being in a relationship.
Lets think...a house is built from the ground up. So, you will never see a constructor building a house starting from the roof, working to the ground.
In dealing with love, start the relationship off Short and Sweet. Live forever in a house of peace. Please enjoy and continue to love unconditionally....Short and Sweet 2...Smile...